Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hooray for random school breaks!

For some odd reason, the school board decided that we could use a shorter summer and more breaks in between. I do homework with lots of breaks, so I didn't object. But the calender called for a completely useless week-long break in the middle of Februrary that they called "President's Day Holidays." It started today, and I'm wondering what to do in the middle of the month with no school all the sudden. Others, like my buddy Britney in another school district, got her break taken away because of the snow week that swallowed Georgia. This is why you build snow days into the calender just in case, genius school board people! I do have some plans, however. I know for sure that Dad'll take us to Chattanooga on Monday, so I'm looking foreward to the children's museum. Mom may not want me going because last time, I sorta went crazy loco. 1 word: overstimulation. But I've gone there before, so maybe this time that won't happen. We also always go to Sticky Fingers. I believe my dad when he says it's in the Mosaic Law somewhere, because we never ignore it. As soon as Mom sails back from the FRICKIN' BAHAMAS, we'll hopefully go to Claire's and get our ears pierced. I got a gift card for Claire's (thanks Granny!) but Roxy managed to spend it all in one trip, on a bookbag. Only my sister could make $15 go that quickly. and I have a few minor project-type things for school, so there's that. But that'll only use up, like, 3 days. Then I have to figure out how to fill up the next 4. Roxy may want to burn the rest of her savings today, though, so a video game or a kit of some kind will come out of Target with us.

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