Monday, July 11, 2011

The summer that I didn't talk about at all

Ok, so I'll bet you're all getting kind of tired of finding nothing but my story, and nothing about my life, because you all love me so much and need to know what I'm doing all the time, because you love me to the point of stalking me.

Ok, maybe not THAT much, but I'm sorry I haven't talked about my AMAZING summer at all. So I'll make up for lost time and just do that now.

Nashville Workcamp wasn't my favorite, to be honest. I mean, I loved getting to go to Tennessee with my youth group (most of us, anyway) and get to know some of the older high schoolers better, but there was exactly one person I knew in my crew. So for, like, 6 hours, I didn't have my best friends near me. Breezy's awesome, and I'm glad I know her now, but we barely knew each other before. We stuck together mostly--she even bought me a slushie at Sonic once--but I missed Katie. And since I couldn't go on ladders, I could hardly do anything of importance. If the windows weren't just out of reach, I could have done that, but I had to stand tiptoe on a bucket just to get halfway up the shutters. And I thought 5'5'' wasn't bad for 12 years old!
By the way, I was talking with Breezy and Victoria from the YG, and they kept saying, "You do NOT act like a 7th grader! You could pass for a high schooler!" And I'm like, "I wish!" But I digress.
So I spent most workdays sitting around, texting Mom about how there was NO WAY I was going to hold an A-frame ladder for someone, or offer any more "moral support." One of our co-group leaders asked me to offer "moral support" to the people who could actually paint, like we were supposed to, and I kind of made a joke of it. I filled a spray bottle with cold water and spritzed people with it. They seemed to appreciate it, but I could really have done more to help out than just spray people. So that particular trip is not on my top 5 list of favorite youth trips ever. IMPACT, however, stands at #1.

Oh, IMPACT. How can I describe it? Even saying there's 1000 kids all singing in the giant (and FRIGID) Allen Arena on Lipscomb's campus isn't adequate. Because there's amazing lecturers and speakers, and a little entertainment thing that includes improv, and there's a drama every day, and Coffee House gigs that include free coffee every day, and you can open up to everyone about whatever you need to say, and all the other things that happen there isn't enough. To really get it, you need to GO! My first experience was incredible, if you haven't caught the enthusiasm in my words yet. And my family I'm going to see starting Friday will probably hear all about it, but for those of you who haven't gone to IMPACT, please look into it. If you can, get your church to go, if you attend one. It is indescribable. Oh, and while you're at it, learn the Interlude. I'd be beside myself with joy. :)

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