Thursday, September 8, 2011

A rather graphic summary

I guess I should give you some background information about my newest story endeavor before I start.

Picture a Panem-esque world. Let's call it...uh...I'm not sure what to call it yet. Any ideas, drop me a line, my few and faithful readers. But that's beside the point! So we're in a very Communistic, poor area of this country in the quiet beginnings of a revolution. Led by kids, naturally. If you see any similarities between yourself and any characters, that's probably intentional. You're a hero, most likely, but if you make me mad, that could change...(cue dramatic eyebrow wiggle.) My oh my, do you ever ramble, Miss Franks! Rosalynn Ingram (me) is 14 years old, not exceptionally well fed, strong, or fit to lead the revolution. Yet, somehow, she gets stuck in this super-important position and is always high-strung and tense. Her sister, Roxana (my sistah, naturally) is 10, a bit of a motormouth, and adorable. Don't even question the latter. There's also Reed Collins (Hi Reid! If you're reading this, don't worry, I'm making your character awesome!), 14, the supergenius who has the "Seam look" to him, dark hair, olive skin, grey eyes; Kitty (Hi Katie!) Moss, 14, who can heal anything you hand her, and Ash, 16. You'll find out about him later...

The villans are the Brutes, an army of red suits with one goal in mind: do anything your commanding officer tells you. There's also the Leader of All Peoples, or the LAP, and his band. He works underground, messing with our attempts to bring him and his rigged government down indirectly. He doesn't like to get his hands dirty, you could say. And now, picture him with the ability to kill people, no weapons, purely with the powers of his MIND. He's pretty evil, but cool in the way only a supervillan can be cool. And 5 kids are trying to take him down.

You're uuber-interested, I can tell. 

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