Monday, November 22, 2010

First post...I...can't...hardly...breathe...and Harry Potter!

Someone has got to pinch me.

I am probably dreaming.

Why else would I be building so much suspense for...the coming event.

The upcoming...




(Oh my gosh! screams you. A blog post, by Darby Kate Franks herself! you shriek. On her own BLOG!!!!!!)

People, people, CONTAIN YOURSELVES!! It's all very exciting I know, but I have places to go and people to see, things to do!

(Well, not really.)

But honestly, now. Is my blog THAT impressive to you? Do us both a favor, and don't get that excited again.


Alright, I guess that's enough self-pride for one night. For new readers, I just wanted to build a lot of suspense and then cut you off, like the end of[SPOILER ALERT!! SPOILER ALERT!!]Harry Potter 7. Best Harry yet, those Harry-haters who posted nasty reviews about "how SLOW it was" and "it's so DARK and GRIM!" In case you haven't noticed, reviewers, there's snakes popping out at you and Death Eaters flying right and left. And it's rather a dark, grim story, so naturally it would have a dark, grim movie. I want them to see the movie again, and look at it from the perspective of a person who's actually READ the 700-so pages of Deathly Hallows. I was surprised, even with two parts, how much detail they could squeeze in to 2 1/2 hours. Hermione was lovely, and remains my favorite character of the three. Bellatrix makes a big debut, with even bigger hair, if that's even possible. I tried to capture it with my hair eu naturale, but it didn't really work, as shown.

Hey! Readers! Don't leave me! Bookmark the address! Tell your buddies! And while your at it, get me a frappy capp!

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