Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A rather bookish meme

Found this little self-quiz from all my fellow bibliophiles (and those of you who just love to hear my opinions of literary stupendousness.)

1. Hardback, trade paperback or mass market paperback?
Like many bibliophiles, I like hardback for collecting. For example, I have the entire Hunger Games series in hardback (with signed bookplates from Suzanne Collins herself!!!) and a lot of Shel Silverstein. 

2. Barnes & Noble or Borders?
Barnes & Noble, baby. I grew up in that store, and I love the atmosphere in there.

3. Bookmark or dog-ear?
I try to bookmark. Scraps of notebook paper, used tissue, fancy leather bookmarks for 5 dollars, anything's fine.

4. Amazon or brick and mortar?
Brick and mortar. You cannot physically browse the shelves of Amazon.com, pick up the book, read the back cover, or even smell the new paper unless you work there. 

5. Alphabetize by author or alphabetize by title or random?
No order whatsoever. It drives my poor mother to madness that I don't even have them by genre, and she is the one who attempts to tame the wildness of my bookshelf. All my Amelia books and Shel books are together, at least.

6. Keep, throw away, or sell?
AI-AI-AI! These words sting my soul! Don't even think about throwing books away! At least donate them! Those little boxes in grocery store parking lots, where you donate books? There's actually a place where the unloved books go! Give old books to friends, or donate them at school libraries! Just DON'T THROW THEM AWAY!!!
*patting down hair*
Where were we?
Oh, right...

7. Keep dust jacket or toss it?
Only if the book it belongs to is very special. Otherwise, let's just say I don't have the same affection for dust jackets as I do the books they fit over.

8. Read with dust jacket or remove it? If it's a special book, then yes. If not, bookmark it. I have a few books that seem to have a dust jacket built in--which is great, because the flaps at the sides can be bookmarks.

9. Short story or novel?
Novel. If I ever were to write, I'd do short stories, and I occasionally like the collections that some people do, but novels are more satisfying to finish.

10. Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket?
Call me lazy, but I like Lemony Snicket a bit better. The way he writes is so neat. It rather reminds me of The Book Thief with the darker humor. He's written other books besides the Unfortunate series, like his autobiography and Horseradish.

11. Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?
When I'm passed out on the couch at 11:00 with the lights on. I am a marathon reader, IF the book is good enough.

12. "It was a dark and stormy night" or "Once upon a time"?
Definitely "dark and stormy night." One of my favorite books of all time started that way, and a more ominous story is the best read for a person like me.

13. Buy or borrow?
Borrow, but I buy when I can. I love libraries, trade-in used bookstores, and anywhere else where love in literature are free.

14. New or used?
Either is fine with me!

15. Buying choice: book reviews, recommendations, or browse?
Recommendations, usually from my aunt Jamie. Sometimes our entire phone conversations are solely based on books--one of the best conversations you can have, if you ask me.

16. Tidy ending or cliffhanger?
Cliffhanger. Making up the rest is the best part!

17. Morning reading, afternoon reading, or nighttime reading?
Like Ms. Boston Bibliophile here says, any time to read is a good time to read.

18. Stand-alone or series?
Series. Some series get tired and the facts don't line up, like the Nurse Matilda books, but the ones that don't host my favorite books EVER.

19. Favorite series? 
Oh, don't even try to make me pick!!!

20. Favorite children's book?
Olivia. That little drama queen piggie reminds me of my little 6-year-old self so much...

21. Favorite YA book? 
A Wrinkle in Time. Not much other competition there.

22. Favorite book of which nobody else has heard?
Kira-Kira. Made me cry.

23. Favorite books read last year?
Alice in Wonderland
Call Me Hope
The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner's Dilemma
Take Me Back

24. Favorite books of all time?
A Wrinkle in Time
Alice in Wonderland
The Outsiders
Sherlock Holmes
a few Dear America books
The list goes on!

The meme goes on for even more than this, but a few of you in the audience appear to be snoring. Ending my attempt to entertain you in 5...4...3...2...1...0...

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