Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Untold Saga of the Mellark Children, Part 4

Have you been wondering where Cinna Mellark's been all this time? I'm going to catch you up on his story, because the brother-sister duo are going to come together in these next few sections. Please comment! It's the only way I'll know if you like anything I've done!

The surprised look on Rue's face was pure gold. She had no idea I was coming, thought Cinna. Her surprise turned to a giant grin that he matched. The next 5 minutes was a flurry of hugs, smiles, and tons of frantic questions.
"Where have you been? Geez, how tall are you now? Why didn't you ever respond to my calls or letters? Oh my gosh, you look completely different!"
"For cryin' out loud, Rue! Stop talking for half a second and let me answer!"
Rue collapsed onto the ancient leather couch that had sat in the family room since their childhood. Breathless and excited, she had no energy left to respond. Cinna sat next to his long-lost sister and started filling her in on the past few months since they'd last met.
He'd been working long and hard in the rolling hills and fields of District 11, right next door, to try and pay the bills of his new apartment he could barely afford. The friction between him and his mother got so intense, he decided to move out. The descision was made rashly, however, and he didn't pick as well as Rue did someplace to live. The stress was incredible, trying to keep his parents at a distance, the 15-hour workdays, the crime and drugs enveloping his inner-city area. Just trying to get by was giving him migranes that kept him from work, which cut into his paycheck that was too small already, which caused more stress...worry lines already creased the brow of this 19-year old man. Rue now understood why he hadn't called or written--it was just too painful, too hard to relay his crumbling life to her. When he finished, Cinna started massaging his temple with a boiling expression on his face. His dismal little apartment reflected it perfectly. Without any warning, he jumped up and said, "Well, nice seeing you again, Rue. Hope you have a good time working for the paper." Completely stunned, Rue allowed him to push her out the door without another word.
A note was pasted to Cinna's door. Ripping it off the cheap plexiglass, his dark gray eyes scanned the words. Suddenly, his eyes widen, making them seem grayer than ever. With trembling fingers, he pulls something from the envelope attached to the note. He mutters, "No way on earth..." and stops short when he sees it.
A scrap of fabric, black pinstripe.
The suit.
Rue's suit.
Cinna dashes inside, quick as lightning. He grabs a shotgun and a cell phone before racing to his clunky old car.

The note is a ransom note.

1 comment:

  1. It is Very Good and I feel I understand the story even though I havent read the book
